Is Dead Space 2 Remake Coming In The Future? EA Tease Sequel

May 2024 ยท 3 minute read

Some players speculate on a possible Dead Space 2 Remake in the works, so we'll be taking a closer look at these speculations and if they could be on to something.

First Published February 2, 2023, 00:24

With the recent success of the Dead Space Remake, many players are wondering whether this might lead to a possible remake of other titles in the franchise, most notably if Dead Space 2 will be getting a remake in the future. If you're wondering this yourself, then you aren't alone, and many fans of the franchise have been wondering the same. 

So we'll be discussing everything we know so far that might lead us to believe a possible Dead Space 2 remake is on the horizon. As well as taking a look at some of the reasons that a Dead Space Remake would be something that the developers would be interested in creating. 

Will There Be A Dead Space 2 Remake?

As it currently stands, there is no official word from EA regarding the possibility of a Dead Space 2 remake, which makes sense given that the first remake was only just released and the company likely wanted to wait and see how well it performed. But now that it's proven itself as a title that can still pull big numbers, will EA bring the entire Trilogy back from the dead? 

Although the game hasn't sold as many copies as the company's recent and more original dive into the atmospheric horror genre, The Callisto Protocol, the Dead Space Remake is outperforming it in terms of reviews and public reception, and its sales figures aren't bad at all. All of this makes it far more likely to warrant a sequel, especially if the developers can iron out some of the kinks that the original Dead Space 2 had and improve on them with modern technology. 

EA Hints Towards A Possible Dead Space 2 Remake

While there isn't any concrete evidence of a Dead Space 2 remake just yet, some fans speculate that we may have been given an easter egg in the Dead Space Remake that might elude to its arrival. This comes in the form of some text logs that weren't originally there in the old game.

These new text logs will appear after completing the remake and loading a New Game Plus save. They contain a conversation between two characters from the game, and they specifically mention looking for new employment and working at the Sprawl on Titan. For those who are unaware, The Sprawl on Titan is a location from Dead Space 2.

While this isn't definitive evidence and could just as easily be the developers trying to create stronger ties between the first and second dead space games, it could also be a preemptive way to lay the groundwork for a sequel remake if the first did well. And now that the Dead Space remake has nailed the mark, both financially and with fans of the series, were hopeful that the developers see it fit to give us another fantastic remake. 

Shane Moosa

Written by Shane Moosa

Shane started his career as a freelance writer for Gamezo while working full-time as a software developer. You can often find Shane trying his hand at no-hit runs of Souls Games such as Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 (and being quite unsuccessful). To relax, Shane will often boot up sessions of Overwatch 2 or Hunt: Showdown, but his interests are spread across various games, from AAA titles (He loved the Dead Space Remake and RE4 Remake) to indies such as Hollow Knight, Celeste, and Hades. Shane is always willing to try new games though, so feel free to drop him an email with what you think he should check out next.

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