12 Best Female Shooters of All Time [2023 Update]

May 2024 · 10 minute read

The sad truth is that it subconsciously targets and speaks up for men whenever anyone talks about sports. However, as time has advanced now, this logic can be seen sinking swiftly. Likewise, shooting has been taken as a male sport. 

Even though this ongoing topic is on a high level, numerous female shooters bring out their badass skills.

Although men may heavily dominate shooting, it doesn’t have physicality competition on the field.

Today, as we discuss the best female shooters of all time, we will briefly discuss their skills and achievements. Indeed, everyone on the list is an accomplished shooter who goes a long way on the field.  

12 Best Female Shooters of All Time

Lastly, please note that the list is not in numeric order, nor are they ranked as greater than one another. Hence, they are excellent in their instance, and we take no position to try and organize them. 

Herewith, we present you the top twelve fascinating lady shooters of all time. 

Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane is first mentioned on our list of best female shooters. She was the two-faced devil and angel who went after the rivals as a frontier soldier while passing compassion to the needy.

Altogether, she was a well-known frontierswoman, sharpshooter, and raconteur. 

Jane worked in several roles during her lifespan as a dishwasher, cook, waitress, dance hall girl, nurse, and ox team driver.

Additionally, she was widely popularized as the one who wore men’s attire and was an acquaintance of Wild Bill Hickok.

Jane was born to Charlotte M. Cannary and Robert Wilson Cannary, their eldest six children. Later, she was part of the campaigns of the long-running military conflicts with Native Americans.

 Annie Oakley

Anyone who has dived into the shooting arena is well-known with this particular name as one of the greatest shooters. Annie Oakley was an experienced sharpshooter born to Susan Wise Mosey (1830–1908) and Jacob Mosey (1799–1866). 

In her early days, Annie had a tough time surrounded by poverty. She was born in Ohio’s rural area near the state’s border with Indiana. Additionally, Annie was the sixth of the total nine children of her parents. 

Due to poverty, Annie could attend school during her late childhood and adulthood. However, she has been into shooting since she was seven and later supported her family by trapping and selling games. 

As her professional career flourished, she adopted Oakley’s stage name, often representing her sweet and cheerful persona.

Throughout her career, Annie also stood as a pioneer for women to use firearms. 

“I would like to see every woman know how to handle firearms as naturally as they know how to handle babies.”
-Annie Oakley

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

The name Lyudmila Pavlichenko tags along with the word “lethal.” This Russian shooter is the most successful female sniper in recorded history for those unknown, with 309 confirmed kills. 

Lyudmila was born to her parents Elena Trofimovna Belova and Mikhail Belov in Bila Tserkva.

From an early age, she was described as a tomboy who gave her all in competitive sports, and later when their family moved to Kyiv (the capital city of Ukraine, also known as Kyiv) when she was 14, she enrolled in a shooting club. 

She completed her educational story in Kyiv and attended civilian sniper classes. During the rest of her life, she fought in the war when Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

By the time she had accomplished 187 kills on the realm, even the Nazis had feared her, and those instilling fear earned her the name “that Russian bitch” in the German land. After gaining 309 kills, Lyudmila toured other continents to promote the war effort.

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Margaret Murdock

How can we miss the name Margaret Murdock on our list of best female shooters? Right? To the unknown reader out there.

Margaret is the pioneer stop for women in the competitive shooting realm. She is the foremost lady to win a medal in Shooting at the Summer Olympics and also the first to win an individual open World Shooting Championship.

A former United States Army officer, Margaret is well-known for her confidence and success in international shooting competitions. Indeed, she is one of the shooters who broke the male stereotype in the arena. 

Initially, Margaret commenced shooting at eleven; however, she faced numerous restrictions for her women’s gameplays. Thus, her professional journey started with Kansas State University and other major championships. 

Following it, she joined the U.S. Army as a shooting instructor at Fort Benning. With four years of service, she came out with a rank of major. 

Elena Allen

Elena Allen is another name that pops out when we think of the best female shooters.

Allen is a record-holder shooter who has garnered several medals under her name. In 2005, she put a shooting record that stood tall for seven years. Elena was born to Tatiana Bogdanova and had two sisters, Natasha and Maria, who are also shooters. 

At the early age of eighteen, Elena competed in the Soviet Junior Championships.

Furthermore, she is a frequent participant in the Olympics and Commonwealth games. Altogether, her hobby and training include shooting deer and birds.

Julie Golob

Julie Golob is a professional markswoman who left the army to pursue her career in shooting.

She commenced shooting at the early age of fourteen, and just three years later, Julie competed in the U.S. Practical Shooting Association (USPSA). 

Currently, she holds the record of bagging all three descriptions of USPSA Limited National Championships, USPSA Open National Championships, and the World Speed Shooting Champion in a single year. 

Even during her tenure in the army, she stood as the U.S. Army Female Athlete of the year. In the meantime, she is also the one to win national titles in all seven USPSA divisions and a national championship in all six USPSA divisions. 

Currently, she is an Army Instructor Training School certified shooting instructor. Likewise, she takes shooting classes at National Shooting Sports Foundation and is a head trainer for the NRA’s Women’s Love at First Shot program.

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Kim Rhode

One of the accomplished shooters in today’s date has to be Kim Rhode, a six-time Olympic medal winner. She is the only successful female shooter at the Olympics and the only triple Olympic Champion.

Likewise, she is also the only one to have won two Olympic gold medals in Double Trap. 

At the age of ten, Rhode started early on her journey, was on safari by twelve, and won her original title at the age of thirteen. Lastly, she bagged her major Olympic gold medal when she was seventeen.

At the same time, Kim has a world record in skeet shooting with 99 out of 100 clays in the 2012 Olympics Games.

“The great thing about shooting is it doesn’t matter your size, your stature. So men and women can truly compete on an equal playing field. It is fantastic, though; I’m not going to lie, to go out there and beat the boys, just as much as they like to beat the girls.”
-Kim Rhode

Eva Shockey

Eva Shockey is one of the best female shooters with a package full of talents; hence, she flourishes and thrives in numerous roles.

She is an outdoorswoman, conservationist, acclaimed bow hunter, social media influencer, brand ambassador, and television personality. 

Eva Shockey was born to parents Jim Shockey and Louise Johann. Well, it hasn’t been long since she commenced shooting, as she started only at the age of twenty. Anyways, she is an avid hunter like her father. 

Among her fandom, Eva is best-known as Martha Stewart of the Outdoors. Additionally, she has the hunger for hunts as every shooter searches for. Back in 2015, she hunted the moose that fed all the guests at her wedding. 

Lena Miculek

Lena Miculek is a professional practical sports shooter who has been on the field since her earliest days. Also, she was born in a legendary family where both her parents, Jerry Miculek and Kay Miculek, are competitive shooters.

Due to her strong background, Lena is donned numerous titles. It includes a gold medal at the 2017 IPSC Rifle World Shoot in the Open division, Lady category, and three gold medals in the IPSC Shotgun Standard division, Lady category, 2012, 2015, and 2018 IPSC Shotgun World Shoot. 

Since the age of eight, Miculek has been in love with it; however, she has competed professionally since 2011. 

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Ginny Thrasher

Young and talented, Ginny Thrasher is the first Gold Medalist in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Before being a sports shooter, she was a figure skater, which she switched later in 2011. 

What inspired her on the field was her hunting trip with her grandfather. As we go for her background check, Ginny was born to parents Roger and Valerie Thrasher and had two brothers. 

Alongside shooting, Ginny Thrasher is quite fond of traveling and public speaking. Altogether, she is also a 12x All-American winner.

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Diane Sorantino

Since she stepped into the industry, Diane Sorantino has been a renowned shooting competitor. She is a gun-friendly woman who commenced her journey in 1993 for the shooting clays competition. 

Glancing at her titles, Diane is a 4x Ladies World Champion, 5x U.S. Open Ladies Champion, 3x Ladies National Sporting Clays Champion, and 5x National FITASC Ladies Champion.

Sorantino is a member of the National Sporting Clays Association Hall of Fame. However, as a fun fact, Diane is focused on her full-time career in law enforcement and holds Chief of Police.  

Ashley Rheuark 

Starting at the early age of ten in the field, Ashley made her way to team Team Glock when she was eighteen in 2017. She initially started shooting after falling in love with the sport as she went deer hunting with her father. 

Thriving all her way, Ashley has bagged titles as the Ladies Champion in USPSA Multigun Nationals, World Speed Shooting Championship, IPSC Nationals Production Optics, and IPSC Rifle World Shoot. In the meantime, she is also an IDPA Distinguished Master. 

Furthermore, she is a 2x Overall Winner of the A Girl & A Gun Fall Fest Multigun Challenge.

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Herewith, we have reached the end of the best female shooters of the all-time list, although there are yet several names that I would love to add. Some great names include Regina Milkovich, Carrie Lightfoot, Katie Francis, Natalie Foster, and Julianna Foster. 

However, we end our discussion here, wishing you all the great days ahead. As we bid our goodbyes, I have summarized the list in bullets here. 

