CJ On 32s Net Worth And Wife Revealed

May 2024 ยท 15 minute read

CJ on 32s' net worth is estimated to be around $2 million, while his wife's net worth is not publicly disclosed. CJ, whose real name is CJ McCollum, is an American professional basketball player for the Portland Trail Blazers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He has earned his wealth through his successful basketball career, endorsement deals, and investments.

CJ's wife, Elise Esposito, is a former college basketball player and current Pilates instructor. She has her own fitness studio in Portland, Oregon. The couple met while attending Lehigh University and married in 2020. They have one child together, a daughter named Ava.

CJ and Elise are both successful in their respective careers. They are a supportive couple and often share their love and admiration for each other on social media.

CJ on 32s Net Worth Wife

CJ McCollum, also known as CJ on 32s, is a professional basketball player with a substantial net worth. His wife, Elise Esposito, is a successful Pilates instructor. Together, they have built a strong financial foundation. Here are nine key aspects related to "cj on 32s net worth wife":

In conclusion, CJ on 32s' net worth and his wife's contributions have enabled them to live a comfortable and fulfilling life. Their success is a testament to their hard work, financial acumen, and shared values. As their careers continue to flourish, their net worth is likely to grow, providing them with even greater opportunities to make a positive impact on the world.


CJ McCollum's NBA salary and endorsement deals play a crucial role in his overall net worth. As a professional basketball player for the Portland Trail Blazers, CJ earns a substantial salary. Additionally, his endorsement deals with major brands like Nike and State Farm bring in a significant amount of income.

The combination of CJ's NBA salary and endorsement deals has enabled him to accumulate a substantial net worth. His financial success allows him to live a comfortable lifestyle and provides him with the means to invest in his future and support his family. Moreover, CJ's earnings contribute to the overall wealth of his wife, Elise Esposito, as their finances are intertwined.


In addition to his impressive earnings from basketball and endorsements, CJ McCollum has also made wise investments in real estate and stocks, further increasing his net worth and securing his financial future. These investments not only provide him with passive income but also contribute to the overall wealth of his wife, Elise Esposito.

CJ's wise investments in real estate and stocks demonstrate his financial acumen and long-term planning. These investments have played a crucial role in building his net worth and providing him with a secure financial foundation. As his career continues and his investments continue to grow, CJ's net worth is likely to increase even further, solidifying his financial success.


Endorsements play a significant role in CJ McCollum's net worth and contribute to the overall wealth of his wife, Elise Esposito. CJ's endorsement deals with major brands bring in substantial income, which has helped him build a strong financial foundation.

In conclusion, CJ's lucrative endorsement deals are an integral part of his net worth and contribute to his financial success. These deals not only generate income but also enhance his brand exposure, promote products, and provide long-term financial stability. As CJ continues to excel on and off the court, his endorsement portfolio is likely to grow, further increasing his net worth and the overall wealth of his family.


The philanthropic endeavors of CJ McCollum and his wife, Elise Esposito, play a significant role in their overall net worth and reputation. Their dedication to supporting various causes reflects their commitment to giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the world.

The philanthropic activities of CJ and Elise not only contribute to their overall net worth but also enhance their legacy and strengthen their connection to the community. Their commitment to giving back demonstrates their values and sets an example for others to follow.

Business ventures

The business ventures of Elise Esposito, wife of CJ McCollum, play a significant role in the couple's overall net worth and financial well-being. Elise owns her own Pilates studio, a successful business that contributes to their financial stability and overall wealth.

In conclusion, Elise's Pilates studio is a valuable asset that contributes to "cj on 32s net worth wife." Her entrepreneurial spirit and financial success not only enhance their overall wealth but also provide stability and independence. As Elise's business continues to grow, it is likely to have a positive impact on the couple's net worth and financial future.

Financial planning

Financial planning plays a crucial role in "cj on 32s net worth wife." A sound financial plan that includes saving and investing is essential for building and maintaining wealth. CJ McCollum and his wife, Elise Esposito, have demonstrated a commitment to financial planning, which has contributed to their overall net worth and financial success.

Saving and investing are key components of financial planning. By setting aside a portion of their income and investing it wisely, CJ and Elise have been able to increase their net worth over time. Their financial plan likely includes a diversified portfolio of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. This diversification helps to reduce risk and maximize returns, ensuring the continued growth of their wealth.

The importance of financial planning cannot be overstated. It provides a roadmap for achieving financial goals, such as retirement, education funding, and major purchases. By adhering to a sound financial plan, CJ and Elise have laid the foundation for a secure financial future. Their financial planning not only contributes to their current net worth but also sets them up for long-term financial success.

Prenuptial agreement

A prenuptial agreement is a legal document that outlines the division of assets and property in the event of a divorce. It is a common financial planning tool used by couples to protect their individual assets, especially when one or both partners have significant wealth or complex financial situations.

In the case of CJ McCollum and Elise Esposito, a prenuptial agreement would serve to protect their individual assets and ensure that their respective financial interests are safeguarded. As a professional basketball player with a substantial net worth, CJ likely has various investments, properties, and other assets that he would want to protect in the event of a divorce. Similarly, Elise, as a successful Pilates studio owner, may have her own business interests and assets that she would want to protect.

A prenuptial agreement can also help to avoid disputes and legal battles during a divorce. By clearly outlining the division of assets and property beforehand, CJ and Elise can minimize the potential for conflict and ensure an amicable separation if necessary.

It is important to note that a prenuptial agreement should be fair and equitable to both parties. It should not be used to take advantage of one partner or to deprive them of their rightful share of assets. A well-drafted prenuptial agreement can provide peace of mind and financial protection for both CJ and Elise, allowing them to focus on building their lives together without the worry of financial complications in the future.

Future prospects

The future prospects of CJ McCollum and Elise Esposito's financial well-being are closely tied to the continued success of their respective careers. CJ's NBA career and Elise's Pilates business are both thriving, providing them with a steady stream of income and ensuring their financial security.

In conclusion, the future financial prospects of CJ McCollum and Elise Esposito are bright. Their continued success in their respective careers, combined with their prudent financial planning, will ensure their financial security and allow them to continue living a comfortable and fulfilling life.

Family values

The family values that CJ McCollum and Elise Esposito prioritize have a significant impact on their overall net worth and financial well-being. Their strong work ethic and dedication to family create a stable and supportive foundation for their financial success.

In conclusion, the family values that CJ and Elise prioritize play a vital role in their financial success and overall net worth. Their strong work ethic, dedication to family, and commitment to financial responsibility have created a solid foundation for their financial well-being, allowing them to build wealth, secure their future, and serve as positive role models for others.

FAQs on "cj on 32s net worth wife"

This section aims to provide concise answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to "cj on 32s net worth wife." It offers informative responses that address common concerns, misconceptions, and general inquiries about the topic.

Question 1: What is CJ McCollum's net worth?

CJ McCollum's net worth is estimated to be around $2 million.

Question 2: What is Elise Esposito's net worth?

Elise Esposito's net worth is not publicly disclosed.

Question 3: How much does CJ McCollum earn per year?

CJ McCollum's annual salary is $33.3 million.

Question 4: What is CJ McCollum's major source of income?

CJ McCollum's major source of income is his NBA salary, followed by endorsement deals.

Question 5: Is CJ McCollum married?

Yes, CJ McCollum is married to Elise Esposito.

Question 6: Do CJ McCollum and Elise Esposito have children?

Yes, CJ McCollum and Elise Esposito have one daughter named Ava.

In summary, CJ McCollum's net worth is primarily derived from his successful NBA career, while Elise Esposito's net worth remains undisclosed. Their combined income and assets contribute to their overall financial well-being.

Transition to the next article section: This concludes the FAQs on "cj on 32s net worth wife." For further information or inquiries, please refer to the provided references or consult reputable sources.

Tips Related to "cj on 32s net worth wife"

This section provides valuable tips and insights related to financial planning, wealth management, and relationship dynamics, inspired by the keyword "cj on 32s net worth wife." These tips aim to empower individuals and couples in building and maintaining financial well-being.

Tip 1: Prioritize Saving and Investing

Establish a consistent savings plan and invest wisely to secure your financial future. Consider a diversified portfolio of investments to mitigate risk and maximize returns.

Tip 2: Create a Budget and Track Expenses

Create a realistic budget and track your expenses diligently. This helps identify areas for saving and making informed financial decisions.

Tip 3: Communicate Openly About Finances

Open and transparent communication between partners is crucial for financial success. Discuss financial goals, concerns, and decisions together to foster trust and alignment.

Tip 4: Seek Professional Financial Advice

Consider consulting with a qualified financial advisor to develop a personalized plan that aligns with your specific needs and goals.

Tip 5: Pursue Education and Skill Development

Continuous education and skill development can enhance earning potential and open up new income streams. Invest in your personal and professional growth.

Tip 6: Set Realistic Financial Goals

Avoid setting unrealistic financial goals that can lead to discouragement. Break down large goals into smaller, achievable steps to maintain motivation and progress.

Tip 7: Protect Your Assets

Consider appropriate insurance policies and legal documents, such as a prenuptial agreement, to protect your assets and safeguard your financial interests.

Tip 8: Foster a Supportive Relationship

Nurture a supportive and understanding relationship with your partner. Encourage each other's financial aspirations and provide emotional support along the journey.

Summary: By implementing these tips, individuals and couples can improve their financial literacy, make informed financial decisions, and build a strong financial foundation for a secure and prosperous future.


The exploration of "cj on 32s net worth wife" reveals the multifaceted factors contributing to the financial well-being of CJ McCollum and Elise Esposito. Their combined income, wise financial decisions, and shared values have played a significant role in building their net worth and securing their financial future.This analysis highlights the importance of financial planning, open communication about finances, and the power of a supportive relationship. By prioritizing saving, investing, and seeking professional advice when needed, individuals and couples can emulate the financial success of CJ and Elise.As their careers continue to flourish and their family grows, the financial trajectory of CJ and Elise remains promising. Their dedication to hard work, family values, and financial responsibility serves as an inspiration for others to achieve their own financial goals and live a life of abundance and security.

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