Video Dr. Ghada Abu Eida screams as her daughter was brought in a

May 2024 · 6 minute read

Video Dr. Ghada Abu Eida screams as her daughter was brought in a : A Palestinian doctor in Gaza experiences a heart-wrenching moment of shock and despair as she realizes her own daughter is among the injured victims in a hospital overwhelmed by the ongoing Israeli airstrikes. The escalating violence in Gaza has led to a dire situation in hospitals, with a lack of electricity and an influx of patients. Amidst this chaos, the Anglican Al Ahli Arab Hospital continues to provide healing and reconciliation, regardless of race, religion, or ability to pay. However, the Christian population in Gaza is dwindling, making the hospital’s work even more crucial. The head of the World Health Organization has condemned the attack on the hospital, calling for the immediate protection of civilians and healthcare. As the conflict intensifies, the need for humanitarian aid and a resolution becomes increasingly urgent. See on

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Palestinian Doctor’s Heartbreaking Experience

A heart-wrenching incident unfolded during the ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, captured in a video that quickly circulated on social media. The footage showed a Palestinian doctor positioned near the emergency door, ready to save the lives of injured individuals. As the doctor anxiously waited, three medical personnel rushed past, carrying a small child on a stretcher. To her shock and horror, the doctor realized that the child being transported was her own daughter. Overwhelmed by the emotional turmoil, she couldn’t help but scream in anguish.

Video Circulates on Social Media

A video capturing a poignant moment amidst the chaos of the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza has been widely shared on social media platforms. The footage depicts a Palestinian doctor stationed near an emergency exit, poised to provide medical assistance to the wounded. In a heart-stopping turn of events, three medical staff members can be seen rushing past, urgently carrying a young child on a stretcher. It is only when the doctor recognizes her own daughter among the injured that the full weight of the situation hits her, prompting a visceral reaction of shock and despair.

Doctor Discovers Injured Daughter

Amidst the ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, a video has emerged that captures a deeply distressing moment for a Palestinian doctor. Positioned near the emergency exit, the doctor was prepared to save lives in the midst of the chaos. However, as fate would have it, she witnessed a heart-wrenching scene unfold before her eyes. Three medical personnel hurriedly carried a small child on a stretcher, and to the doctor’s horror, she realized that the injured child was her own daughter. The doctor’s scream of anguish reverberated through the air, encapsulating the profound pain and despair experienced by countless families affected by the conflict.

Hospitals in Gaza Struggle Amid Israeli Airstrikes

The ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza have placed immense strain on the hospitals in the region, as they grapple with the overwhelming influx of patients and a multitude of challenges. The dire situation has shed light on the urgent need for medical support and resources to alleviate the suffering of the affected population.

Hospitals Overwhelmed with Patients

The hospitals in Gaza are facing an unprecedented crisis as they struggle to cope with the sheer number of patients seeking medical attention. The scenes witnessed within these healthcare facilities are nothing short of harrowing, with overcrowded wards and medical staff working tirelessly to provide care to those in need. The surge in casualties has stretched the hospitals to their limits, highlighting the urgent need for additional resources and support to ensure that every patient receives the care they require.

Lack of Electricity and Threats from Israeli Fighter Jets

The already dire situation in Gaza’s hospitals is further exacerbated by the lack of electricity, which severely hampers their ability to function effectively. The Indonesian Hospital and Al-Shifa Hospital, in particular, have been forced to halt their operations due to the power shortage. This critical issue not only jeopardizes the lives of patients who rely on life-saving medical equipment but also adds to the overall chaos and desperation within the healthcare system.

Furthermore, the hospitals in Gaza face the constant threat of Israeli fighter jets circling overhead. This unsettling presence not only instills fear among the medical staff but also raises concerns about the safety and security of the patients. The combination of limited resources, power outages, and the constant looming threat of airstrikes creates an incredibly challenging environment for the hospitals in Gaza, further exacerbating the already dire humanitarian crisis.

International Response and Efforts for Aid

The international community has been closely monitoring the escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, with various efforts underway to address the urgent humanitarian needs of the affected population. As the situation continues to deteriorate, world leaders and organizations are taking action to provide assistance and support to those affected by the violence.

Palestinian Official Cancels Meeting with President Biden

In a strong display of protest, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has decided to cancel his scheduled meeting with President Joe Biden and other Middle East leaders. This decision comes in response to an alleged Israeli airstrike on a hospital in Gaza, which has resulted in a significant loss of life. The cancellation serves as a powerful statement against the ongoing violence and highlights the urgent need for international intervention to protect civilians and address the humanitarian crisis in the region.

World Health Organization Condemns Attack on Hospital

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has strongly condemned the attack on Gaza’s Al Ahli Arab Hospital. In a statement posted on social media, he called for the immediate protection of civilians and healthcare facilities, as well as the reversal of evacuation orders. The WHO’s condemnation underscores the gravity of the situation and emphasizes the need for international solidarity in ensuring the safety and well-being of the people in Gaza.

The attack on the hospital, which has been widely reported by Hamas health officials, has sparked outrage and raised concerns about the escalating violence and its devastating impact on the healthcare infrastructure in Gaza. The international community, including organizations like the WHO, plays a crucial role in advocating for the protection of civilians and providing essential aid to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the conflict.

A video circulating on social media shows a Palestinian doctor waiting near the emergency door to save lives in Gaza during ongoing Israeli airstrikes. The doctor realizes that her own daughter is being carried on a stretcher and screams in shock. Hospitals in Gaza are overwhelmed with patients and lack electricity due to the airstrikes. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has canceled his participation in a meeting with President Joe Biden and other Middle East leaders to protest an alleged Israeli airstrike on a hospital in Gaza. The Anglican Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza provides medical care to all, regardless of race, religion, or ability to pay. The hospital’s Christian population is dwindling, but its ministry of healing and reconciliation remains strong. The head of the World Health Organization has condemned the attack on Al Ahli Arab Hospital. The Israeli airstrikes in Gaza have resulted in numerous civilian casualties and displaced over a million Palestinians. Aid workers warn of a humanitarian crisis as hospitals lose electricity and people struggle to find basic necessities. The U.S. is working to negotiate an agreement for the delivery of aid to Gaza.
