She taught me how to shoot up

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Clara "Keffals," a transgender activist and Twitch streamer from Canada, recently shared her struggles with opioid addiction and how it impacted her personal relationships. She disclosed that she had allowed a friend, who was also struggling with substance abuse, to stay with her. During this time, the friend taught her how to "shoot up" (injecting drugs into the veins).

Trigger Warning: Descriptions of substance abuse and drug use

Fortunately, Keffals has been sober for a considerable period of time. While reflecting on their experience, she said:

“She taught me how to shoot up”

Keffals explains how she recovered from substance abuse

Many individuals, including successful streamers and creators, have struggled with substance abuse, emphasizing the urgent need for timely interventions to address this serious issue.

Speaking about her own experience, Keffals said:

"What exactly the issue was, my GP started prescribing me Percocets. Over time, I started to develop a tolerance to Percocets. I started doing more and more opioids and eventually I was doing so much that I was running out of my prescription. One of my friends, they were down on their luck. They just became homeless and they were trying to get clean off meth. So I let her stay at my house because I didn't want her living on the streets. She taught me how to shoot up."

(Timestamp: 01:24)

Explaining how their relationship was affected, she said:

"My ex found out that I was going to my dealer's house to buy heroin and they got so mad, they punched a brick wall and broke their fist and that was kind of a wake-up call for me."

Keffals also mentioned that her family members had expressed concern for her. As a result, she made the decision to seek help from the Ontario Addiction Treatment Center (OATC):

"I went to OATC, which is the Ontario Addiction Treatment Center, it's the government-funded method of clinics. So every morning, I would get up, walk to the methadone clinic, I pee in the cup, I'd get my methadone and I go to work."

Keffals is not the only streamer who recently opened up about their struggles with addiction. Adin Ross, a well-known Kick streamer, disclosed that he was addicted to Lean, a syrup-based recreational drug. He has been sober for the past few days and is determined to focus on his personal growth.

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