Kim Kardashian passes baby bar exam WSOC TV

May 2024 · 2 minute read

LOS ANGELES — Kim Kardashian is one step closer to becoming a lawyer, after she announced on social media that she passed California’s “baby bar” exam.

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The “baby bar” is also known as the “First-Year Law Students’ Examination,” and is required for law students who are in a law school unaccredited by the California Bar, studying through the Law Office Study Program, or who are studying without two years of college work, as explained on the California State Bar website.

Kardashian admits to failing the exam the first three times she took it, mentioning that on one try she had COVID-19 and a fever. Two years ago, Kardashian first expressed interest in a law degree despite never having finished college, NBC News reported.

In her post, Kardashian remembered her late father saying, “I know my dad would be so proud and he would actually be so shocked to know that this is my path now but he would have been my best study partner. I am told he was notorious for making fun of people who didn’t pass on their first attempt like he did, but he would have been my biggest cheerleader!” Robert Kardashian, Kim’s father, was an attorney famous for defending O.J. Simpson during Simpson’s murder trial, CNN reported.

Kardashian has spoken about her passion for criminal justice and prison reform, and has talked about one day opening her own firm, People Magazine reported.
