Bryan Danielson Gets First-Ever Five Star Rating For Kenny Omega Match

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Bryan Danielson's debut match in AEW was so good that Dave Meltzer has deemed it the first of his career to warrant a five-star rating.

Bryan Danielson arrived in AEW earlier this month and went about making as big a splash as he possibly could upon arrival. The American Dragon went straight for the champion Kenny Omega, wrestling him in a non-title match for his AEW debut. The match opened AEW's Grand Slam week and ended in a time limit draw. Regardless of the result, the match was an instant classic.

Bryan Danielson Is Finally A Five-Star Man

So much so that Dave Meltzer has labeled it the best match of Danielson's career to date. While he might not have said those exact words, Wrestling Observer's founder has awarded the match five stars. It's the first time Danielson has been awarded five stars for one match by Meltzer, coming as close as you can without hitting full marks on six previous occasions.

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For comparison, the match was Omega's 18th to receive a five-star rating from Meltzer. Even though Meltzer's ratings get more attention than anyone else's, it is still subjective, of course. Many will have watched Danielson's AEW debut and completely agreed with its five-star rating. Others will be scratching their head wondering why that match warrants the perfect score and others haven't.

Not Enough Stars At WrestleMania XXX

Not a single match during Danielson's WWE run received five stars. One that has come up a lot on social media this week following his first-ever five star rating is the match he had to open WrestleMania XXX. Danielson had to wrestle and beat Triple H if he wanted to be added to the main event at the end of the night. It was a terrific match and was the beginning of a night that will forever be the most memorable of Danielson's career.

Whether you loved Omega and Danielson's first in-ring meeting since 2009 or not, it probably isn't going to be the last time they clash in AEW. That the match ended in a draw and wasn't for the title suggests a rematch is on the cards, even if The Cleaner claims that isn't going to happen. The next stage big enough for a match of that stature is Full Gear, AEW's next PPV which is currently scheduled for November 6, 2021.
